Harry Potter Witchcraft and Wizardry school…2 hours from Wroclaw

Harry Poter in Poland : Czocha College of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Still waiting for your Hogwarts acceptance letter?

Die-hard Harry Potter fans now have a chance to attend the famed school of Witchcraft and Wizardry at a Polish a castle next spring.

Harry Potter Witchcraft and Wizardry school...2 hours from Wroclaw

Czocha College of Witchcraft and Wizardry is opened for you…in March 14-17, 2024

CoW26: Back to the Roots will be the first “Classic” College of Wizardry event since 2022, and sees the return to the familiar “beginning of year” format under the gentle auspices of Headmistress Wanda O’Tattletell. 

As usual with these runs, They will see students return to Czocha College of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the start of a new school year, to revel in new adventures and face exciting challenges alongside their fellows. A fresh intake of Juniors will join the college, and through the sorting process find their home in one of the five great Houses. New and returning staff will welcome the students to the school and guide them through the first days, whilst enlightening and entertaining with lessons in the diverse magical fields of study.

Polish company Liveform and Rollespilsfabrikken first staged a Live Action Role Play (LARP) event based on the J.K. Rowling blockbuster book series and movie franchise in 2014. Over 180 participants from 11 countries traveled to Poland to don wizard robes and cast spells. 

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